Happy New Year - the unresolution
I’ll make this quick. When everyone else is focusing on “improving themselves,” I am focusing on loving myself as I am. That is not to say that I am not fully aware of my imperfections and my growth opportunities! I just know that I could spend as much time focusing on loving myself, as I could on fixating on the areas I wish were different.
The more connected I feel to myself on an embodied level, the deeper my intimacy towards myself grows. I am kinder, gentler, and more patient to myself. I listen to my needs and my desires. The more kindness I have directed inward, the more resourced I feel. This gives me the space I need to direct kindness to other people.
So, while I still go to the gym, try to eat healthy, and journal and all the other things I should be doing, I am trying to do them from a place of acceptance and love, instead of being driven by negative self talk. I listen to my body and what she needs. When I need to slow down, I do. When I need to exert energy, I push myself. When I need comfort, I reach to my loved ones. When I need to rage out, I go to my breath, my voice, and slam some medicine balls at the gym!
I encourage you to find that self acceptance, and feel free to reach out should you need or want help from me.